Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I Will Be Doing This Year In Order To Go MAD

Right, so HI!

So this is a goal blog. Funny thing about goal blogs is that this isn't the first one I made. The other one sort of... failed. Now of course, there are reasons for that. I didn't have a proper blog at the time, and that blog ended up morphing into that after two months (yes, two months, February didn't count since I didn't post anything then!). Other reasons for the blog's failure was strange goals. Random goals. There was a complete lack of focus for what I was doing other than trying not to flunk out of school (an exaggeration, but that year was the first I got C's in a core class, as well as D's and F's at midterms - all because of a lack of motivation to do homework). As well as some weird reward system that I cannot figure out at all...

So this goal blog is going to be different. I already have a blog that I use lovingly for posting the ramblings of my mind (the former goal blog), as well as a group blog/vlog that I contribute to. And I have two clear goals that I plan to get to by the end of this year. I expect one of them to fail, but who knows, I might fail the other goal and complete the one I wasn't expecting to, fail both, or complete both. Who knows?? But for the next year I lay forth my two goals to make by the end of the year (they are not my resolutions, my resolution is to work my ass off in order to get into a good music school).

Goal Number One! (AKA: the one that I am almost a tenth done with)
read 40 new books. New means I just haven't read it before. Not finishing a book also goes under this category at my discretion. So if I were to previously have made it halfway through a book, I'll count it if I read it all the way through. I then want to write book reviews on here. Currently I have read 3 and 1/2 books this year (ok, so a few were over christmas break before Jan 1st, but I'll count them because it was so soon ago, and I only came up with this 40 books idea a few days ago, so otherwise I might have just put them off for a bit).

So by Sunday I should have book reviews for The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams, It's Kind Of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini, and Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson. The book that I am currently in the middle of is The Girls by Lori Lansens, but I may end up finishing the Scarlett letter for school before then (shh, I was supposed to read that last year for English...).

Goal Number Two! (AKA: the one I think I will fail at)
Write 100,000 words.

Yeah, let that sink in first, then I'll explain it.

Feeling good yet?


Ok we're doing this anyways!

Right, so writing 100,000 words this year. See I was going to say 50,000 words, but then I need something to make me do NaNoWriMo this year as well. So half of that total word count will come from 30 days of hell. Now what does 100,000 words mean? It means 100,000 words of fiction. Short stories, one shots, poetry, fanfiction chapters, a possible character blog I've been thinking of, these all count. What doesn't count are blog posts here, blog posts on my personal blog, class essays, comments, or really any other thing that uses words. Rewrites may count based on them not being just editing.

So with the exception of November, I will be writing about 4,545 words per month, or 150 words a day (actually, since I've already missed 4 days this year it is now 151 words, huge difference xD). November will of course be the usual NaNoWriMo fare of 50,000 words in a month, or 1,667 words a day.

So about this whole thinking I'm going to fail thing. If I actually complete this goal it will be insanely awesome. Super insanely awesome. But I doubt I will actually do it. The idea however, is that I could do it if I really motivated myself, and that I should be writing every day if possible anyways.

Now what am I gonna get out of all this? How about experience writing, more books in my noggin, and a HUGE sense of accomplishment? (Ok, so maybe I was thinking of getting myself a treat as well. CAKE MAN! Haha).

So there is my insane plan this year. Wish me luck?
~Jess the Nerdfighting BandGeek

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